Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 3 and Day 4

Saturday- for those of you taking TNCC, you will finish up today but having some more hands on practice and a test "review" ;).  ATLS and PHTLS will have more classes today and then will test on Sunday.  You will be allowed to eat at the chow hall on Saturday night.  Sunday night you should be able to also, but for some reason they did not get the message while we were there and we ended up with the lovely MRE.

Just so you know, the PX is closed on Sunday but IS open during the week from 0700 to 1800 and on Saturday from 1100 to 1800.  You can go in there during any of your down time and buy stuff.  There is also a little "barbeque" right next to the PX.  The guy is open every day of the week and must make a killing on the OBS an C4 students.  He sells ribs, hamburgers and cheeseburgers and fries.  They probably have more calories than the MRE but it is a nice change and good for a hot meal (MRE heaters- not so great).

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